Craig Ulmer

Data-Management Services for ECP

2017-01-31 net systems

For the last few years, the majority of my time at work has gone into developing data-management services for high-performance computing (HPC). While we still have a ways to go before an official software release, we're starting to get performance numbers and have initial support for the Cray XC40's DataWarp NVMe array. I was asked to make a poster about our work and present it at an Exascale Computing Project (ECP) meeting that took place in Knoxville, Tennessee.

ECP is a new, multi-laboratory effort in the US that is scaling scientific computing to new levels through advances in hardware, applications, and system software. The goal is to develop an exaflops computing platform in the US that can serve the HPC needs of multiple domains (eg, science, energy, manufacturing, and national security). The data-management software we've been writing for asynchronous, many task (AMT) programming models falls into the system software category, and could be adapted to fit other needs in ECP (eg, workflows, checkpointing, and analysis).


ECP Poster Poster presented at ECP Meeting