Building an Airplane Data Logger on an Intel Edison
Lately I've been spending a good bit of my free time at home doing ad hoc analysis of airline data that I've scraped off of public websites. It's been an interesting hobby that's taught me a lot about geospatial data, the airline world, and how people go about analyzing tracks. However, working with scraped data can be frustrating: it's a pain to keep a scraper going and quite often the data you get doesn't contain everything you want. I've been thinking it'd be useful if I could find another source of airline data.
I started looking into how the flight tracking websites obtain their data and was surprised to learn that a lot of it comes from volunteers. These volunteers hook up a software-defined radio (SDR) to a computer, listen for airline position information broadcast over ADS-B, and then upload the data to aggregators like flightradar24. I've been looking for an excuse to tinker with SDR, so I went about setting up a low-cost data logger of my own that could grab airline location information with an SDR receiver and then store the observations for later analysis. Since I want to run the logger for long periods of time, I decided it'd be useful to setup a small, embedded board of some kind to do the work continuously in a low-power manner. This post summarizes how I went about making the data logger out of an Intel Edison board and an RTL-SDR dongle, using existing open-source software.
The first thing I needed to do for my data logger was find a cheap SDR that could plug into USB and work with Linux. Based on many people's recommendations, I bought an RTL-SDR USB dongle from Amazon that only cost $25 and came with a small antenna. The RTL-SDR dongle was originally built to decode European digital TV, but some clever developers realized that it could be adapted to serve as a flexible tuner for GNU Radio. If you look around on YouTube, you'll find plenty of how-to videos that explain how you can use an RTL-SDR and GNU Radio to decode a lot of different signals, including pager transmissions, weather satellite imagery, smart meter chirps, and even some parts of GSM. Of particular interest to me though was that others have already written high-quality ADS-B decoder programs that can be used to track airplanes.
ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) is a relatively new standard that the airline industry is beginning to use to help prevent collisions. Airplanes with ADS-B transmitters periodically broadcast a plane's vital information in a digital form. This information varies depending on the transmitter. On a commercial flight you often get the flight number, the tail fin, longitude, latitude, altitude, current speed, and direction. On private flights you often only see the tail fin. The standard isn't mandatory until 2020, but most commercial airlines seem to be using it.
If you have an RTL-SDR dongle, it's easy to get started with ADS-B. Salvatore Sanfilippo (of Redis fame) has an open source program called dump1090 that is written in C and does all of the decode work for you. The easiest way to get started is to run in interactive mode, which dumps a nice, running text display of all the different planes the program has seen within a certain time range. The program also has a handy network option that lets you query the state of the application through a socket. This option makes it easy to interface other programs to the decoder without having to link in any other libraries.
Intel Edison
The other piece of hardware I bought for this project was an Intel Edison, which is Intel's answer to the Raspberry Pi. Intel packaged a 32b Atom CPU, WiFi, flash, and memory into a board that's about the size of two quarters. While Edison is not as popular as the Pi, it does run 32b x86 code. As a lazy person, x86 compatibility is appealing because it means that I can test things on my desktop and then just move the executables/libraries over to the Edison without having to cross compile anything.
The small size of the Edison boards can make them difficult to interface with, so Intel offers a few carrier dev kits that break out the signals on the board to more practical forms. I bought the Edison Arduino board ($90 with the Edison module at Fry's), which provides two USB ports (one of which can be either a micro connector or the old clunky connector), a microSD slot for removable storage, a pad for Arduino shields, and a DC input/voltage regulator for a DC plug. It seems like the perfect board for doing low-power data collection.
Running dump1090 on the Edison
The first step in getting dump1090 to work on the Edison was compiling it as a 32b application on my desktop. This task took more effort than just adding the -m32 flag to the command line, as my Fedora 21 desktop was missing 32b libraries. I found I had to install the 32b versions of libusbx, libusbx-devel, rtl-sdr, and rtl-sdr-devel. Even after doing that, pkgconfig didn't seem to like things. I eventually wound up hardwiring all the lib directory paths in the Makefile.
The next step was transferring the executable and missing libraries to the Edison board. After some trial and error I found the only things I needed were dump1090 and the shared library. I transferred these over with scp. I had to point LD_LIBRARY_PATH to pick up on the shared library, but otherwise dump1090 seemed to work pretty well.
Simple Logging with Perl
The next thing to do was write a simple Perl script that issued a request over a socket to the dump1090 program and then wrote the information to a text file stored on the sdcard. You could probably do this in a bash script with nc, but Perl seemed a little cleaner. The one obstacle I had to overcome was installing the Perl socket package on the Edison. Fortunately, I was able to find the package in an unofficial repo that other Edison developers are using.
#!/usr/bin/perl use IO::Socket; my $dir = "/media/sdcard"; my $sock; do { sleep 1; $sock = new IO::Socket::INET( PeerAddr => 'localhost', PeerPort => '30003', Proto => 'tcp'); } while(!$sock); $prvdate =""; while(<$sock>){ chomp; next if (!/^MSG,[13]/); @x = split /,/; ($id, $d1, $t1, $d2, $t2) = ($x[4], $x[6], $x[7], $x[8], $x[9]); ($flt, $alt, $lat, $lon) = ($x[10], $x[11], $x[14], $x[15]); my ($day,$month,$year,$min) = (localtime)[3,4,5,1]; my $date = sprintf '%02d%02d%02d', $year-100,$month,$day; if($x[1]==1){ $line = "1\t$id\t$flt\t$d1\t$t1"; } else { $line = "3\t$id\t$lat\t$lon\t$alt\t$d1\t$t1\t$d2\t$t2"; } if($date ne $prv_date){ close $fh if($prv_date!=""); open($fh, '>>',"$dir/$date.txt") or die "Bad file io"; $fh->autoflush; } print $fh "$line\n"; $prv_date=$date; }
Starting as a Service
The last step of the project was writing some init scripts so that the dump1090 program and the data capture script would run automatically when the board is turned on. Whether you like it or not, the default OS on the Edison uses systemd to control how services are launched on the board. I wound up using someone else's script as a template for my services. The first thing to do was to create the following cdu_dump1090.service script in /lib/systemd/system to get the system to start the dump1090 app. Note that systemd wants to be the one that sets your environment vars.
[Unit] Description=dump1090 rtl service [Service] Environment=LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/root/rtl ExecStart=/home/root/rtl/dump1090 --net --quiet Environment=NODE_ENV=production [Install]
Next, I used the following cdu_store1090.service script to launch my Perl script. Even with a slight delay at start I was finding that the logger was sometimes starting up before the socket was ready and erroring out. Rather than mess with timing, I added the sleep/retry loop to the perl code.
[Unit] Description=Store 1090 data to sdcard After=cdu_dump1090.service After=media-sdcard.mount [Service] ExecStartPre=sleep 2 ExecStart=/home/root/rtl/ Environment=NODE_ENV=production [Install]
In order to get systemd to use the changes at boot, I had to do the following:
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable cdu_dump1090.service systemctl enable cdu_store1090.service
It Works!
The end result of the project is that the system works- the Edison now boots up and automatically starts logging flight info to its microSD card. Having an embedded solution is handy for me, because I can plug it into an outlet somewhere and have it run automatically without worrying about how much power its using.