2017-11-01 Wed
faodel io hpc pub
We published an unclassified unlimited release (UUR) paper.
Significant challenges exist in the efficient retrieval of data from extreme-scale simulations. An important and evolving method of addressing these challenges is application-level metadata management. Historically, HDF5 and NetCDF have eased data retrievalby offering rudimentary attribute capabilities that provide basic metadata. ADIOS simplified data retrieval by utilizing metadata for each process' data. EMPRESS provides a simple example of the next step in this evolution by integrating per-process metadata with thestorage system itself, making it more broadly useful than single file or application formats. Additionally, it allows for more robust and customizable metadata.
- PDSW-DISCS Paper Margaret Lawson, Jay Lofstead, Scott Levy, Patrick Widener, Craig Ulmer, Shyamali Mukherjee, Gary Templet, and Todd Kordenbrock, "EMPRESS: Extensible Metadata PRovider for Extreme-scale Scientific Simulations", Proceedings of the 2nd Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage & Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems, November 2017.
2017-10-01 Sun
clusters pub
We published an unclassified unlimited release (UUR) technical report.
In this document we describe a reference architecture developed for Emulytics clusters at Sandia National Laboratories. Taking into consideration the constraints of our Emulytics software and the requirements for integration with the larger computing facilities at Sandia, we developed a cluster platform suitable for use by Sandia's several Emulytics toolsets and also useful for more general large-scale computing tasks.
- SAND Report John Floren, Jerry Friesen, Craig Ulmer, and Stephen T. Jones "A Reference Architecture for Emulytics Clusters". SAND2017-10668, October 2017.
2017-04-21 Fri
clusters news
We discussed Kahuna in an unclassified unlimited release (UUR) lab newspaper article.
News Article
2017-01-31 Tue
net systems
We presented an unclassified unlimited release (UUR) poster.
We published an unclassified unlimited release (UUR) paper.
Two decades of experience with massively parallel supercomputing has given insight into the problem domains where these architectures are cost effective. Likewise experience with database machines and more recently massively parallel database appliances has shown where these architectures are valuable. Combining both architectures to simultaneously solve problems has received much less attention. In this paper, we describe a motivating application for economic modeling that requires both HPC and database capabilities. Then we discuss hardware and software integration issues related to a direct integration of a Cray XT supercomputer and a Netezza database appliance.
- Europar13 Paper Ron Oldfield, George Davidson, Craig Ulmer, and Andrew Wilson. "Investigating the Integration of Supercomputers and Data-Warehouse Appliances", Euro-Par 2013: Parallel Processing Workshops. Euro-Par 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8374.